Anniversary Gifts

Anniversary Gifts By Year: Traditional and Modern Ideas

The concept of gifting your partner on a wedding anniversary dates back to the Middle Ages in the Holy Roman Empire Era. Husbands used to gift “silver” on their 25th Anniversary and “gold” on completing their 50 years of marriage. In the modern era, an anniversary is a special day for a couple as they bring each other closer with each passing year. Gifting your partner something special creates even more unforgettable memories.  

Did you know that there are several traditional and modern anniversary gift ideas for couples? These anniversary gifts are given by year, which means there is a unique and different gift every year. In this blog, let us understand these anniversary gifts by year and the traditional and modern gift ideas that you can choose. 

What are The Traditional Anniversary Gifts by Year? 

The origin of gifting something special on the Anniversary is an old tradition that has made its way into the present world we live in. Husbands used to gift their wives a particular material such as cotton, paper, or wooden made materials. This was major because these materials were widely available in historic times. As we enter the modern era, the gifting options have transformed. Whether you wish to gift your loved one a silver ring or go by the tradition of gifting them a cotton material. We have curated a list of traditional and modern anniversary gift ideas by year.  

And if you are looking for something in between, we have our own range of gifting options at PrintMynd. From personalized photo water bottles to customized t-shirts and from personalized mugs to customized portraits, the list goes on. 

  • 1st Anniversary Year 

The 1st Anniversary is a fresh new start for a couple, and it’s fragile like a paper, right? That is why paper is what is considered a traditional gift for a 1st anniversary. It symbolizes the blank pages of your future that you will write together.  

For a modern gift idea, clocks are a theme that symbolizes the moment you will create as a couple over time.  

  • 5th Anniversary Year 

A 5th anniversary year is something that symbolizes the strong relationship between you and your partner. A traditional gift idea for completing 5 years of togetherness is wooden gifts. Wooden gifts or wood generally describe your bond as firmly rooted in wood and will continue to deepen with time.  

Silverware, on the other hand, is a modern gift idea. The silverware dining symbolizes the meals that you enjoyed together. 

  • 10th Anniversary Year 

An aluminum or tin gift idea is what is traditionally considered to be gifted on a 10th anniversary. Can you guess why? Well, an aluminum or tin material doesn’t rust or corrode easily. By gifting these gift themes, you represent that your relationship with your partner will not rust even after you have been together for 10 years.  

For a modern gift idea, a diamond is the perfect symbol of a decade of strength and love. 

  • 20th Anniversary Year 

A traditional anniversary gift for 20 years of togetherness is “china,” which is a material that showcases the fragile nature of the love you share. China materials are generally handled with care as they break easily, and so should your bond.  

On the other hand, a modern gift for a 20th anniversary year is “platinum.” 

  • 25th Anniversary Year 

25 years of marriage is a milestone and defines a quarter century. The 25th Anniversary is commonly referred to as a ‘silver jubilee.’ This is because silver defines the completion of a quarter century.  

Silver is, therefore, considered a perfect traditional and modern gift theme. The precious material symbolizes the radiance and spark of a relationship that stood the test of time. 

  • 30th Anniversary Year 

The 30th Anniversary marks the completion of three complete decades of marriage. It is generally known as a pearl wedding and signifies a long-lasting and solid bond between the couple. Traditionally, a pearl is the best gift option to mark this year.  

When it comes to a modern gift option for a 30th anniversary, a diamond is what you can go for. The stone strongly reflects the beauty and endurance of your bond.  

  • 50th Anniversary Year 

Just as memorable as the 25th Anniversary, a 50th anniversary is known to celebrate the completion of half a century.  A 50th anniversary is generally known as the golden jubilee or golden Anniversary. Gold represents significant achievements, royalty, fortune, and enduring love. Thus, gifting a gold material is considered a traditional as well as a modern gift theme to mark the completion of 50 years. 


In this blog, we highlighted some of the traditional and modern anniversary gift ideas that couples believe in. Anniversary is a special occasion in a couple’s journey as it defines their shared love and bond. Therefore, it is a good idea to gift them something special each year.  You can check our eCommerce website for gift ideas like personalized photo water bottles, personalized mugs, customized T-shirts, customized portraits, and more. So, now you know what Anniversary gift to give your partner the next time! 

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